Weight Loss Success Rates
The OPTIFAST program is a clinically proven weight loss program that is scientifically designed to help patients lose weight and, as a result of the weight loss, improve obesity-related comorbidities 1,2
- 10-15% average decrease in blood pressure 1
- 15% average decrease in total cholesterol 1
- Lower blood glucose levels vs. baseline 2
OPTIFAST patients who actively participate in a 26-week program typically lose approximately 50 pounds with weight loss-related improvements in blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. 1,2
1. Wadden TA, Foster GD, Letizia KA, et al. A multicenter evaluation of a proprietary weight reduction program for the treatment of marked obesity. Arch Intern Med. 1992;152(5):961-966. 2. Drawert S, Bedford K, Largent D. Change in glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol with weight loss in medically obese patients. Obesity Res. 1996;4(S1):67S